In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 21, 2022 No. UP-289 "On measures to improve the quality of pedagogical education and further development of the activities of higher educational institutions engaged in the training of pedagogical personnel", the Urgench State Pedagogical Institute was established on the basis of bachelor's and master's degrees in the field of pedagogical education of Urgench State University.
Currently, there are 3 faculties in our institute. These are the Faculty of Philology and Arts and the Faculty of Pedagogy.
The Urgench State Pedagogical Institute currently trains students in 11 bachelor's degree areas in full-time and part-time forms of study 4181 students are enrolled in these undergraduate majors.
60112100 - direction ”national idea; fundamentals of spirituality and legal education",
60111700 - direction ”Russian language in foreign language groups",
60111400 - direction "Uzbek language and literature",
60111300 - direction ”music education" ,
60111200 - direction” Fine arts and engineering graphics",
60111800 - direction” foreign language and literature: English",
60112200 - direction ”physical culture",
60112300 - direction ”technological education",
60110200 - direction of "preschool education” ,
60110100 - direction "pedagogy (teacher of additional education)",
60110500 - direction "primary education" is included.
The Urgench State Pedagogical Institute currently trains students in 7 master's degree specialties. These Master 's degree specialties include:
70110101 - specialty ”theory and History of pedagogy (by type of activity)",
70110201 - specialty "theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (preschool education)",
70110501 - specialty "theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (primary education)",
70111202 - specialty ”engineering graphics and design theory",
70111301 - specialty ”music education and art",
70112201 - specialty "theory and methodology of physical culture and sports training",
70112301 - specialties "theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (technological education)".
The work done at the Urgench State Pedagogical Institute over the past six months:
1) Prepared 1 Doctor of Sciences (DSC) and 13 Doctors of Philosophy (PhD);
2) 3 textbooks, 6 monographs and 9 teaching materials, 12 textbooks have been published;
3) Foreign grants 1, including the implementation of the FEP project in the USA
4) The number of copyright certificates is 1, 1 patent and utility model certificates have been obtained;
5) The article has been published in 88 foreign journals, including journals with high ratings 1 in Web of Sciences, 11 in journals with impact factor, 31 in international journals, 46 at international conferences, in addition, 35 articles at republican conferences, 45 articles in republican journals;
6) 1 professor-lecturer of prestigious foreign universities was involved;
7) The Academic Lyceum of the Institute carries out admission from the 2023-2024 academic year.
8) 1 World Champion, 2 Asian Champions and 6 Uzbek Champions are trained in this sport.