A memorandum of cooperation was signed between Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University and Urganch State Pedagogical Institute
As we reported, today Russia's V.G. Yanina Aleksandrovna Chigovskaya-Nazarova, rector of Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Korolenko, Ekaterina Kalinina Eduardovna, vice-rector for educational affairs, and a group of officials visited Urganch State Pedagogical Institute.
During the visit, a memorandum of cooperation was signed at the end of the meeting between representatives of Glazov State Engineering and Pedagogical University and Urganch State Pedagogical Institute.
The memorandum aims to establish cooperation in the academic, scientific and cultural spheres. In particular, it includes a number of activities such as the exchange of professors and teachers, the establishment of their internships and professional development, the study of mutual experiences in the field of education, the organization of scientific programs and projects, and the introduction of mutual student exchange. issues covered.

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