The rector held open dialogues with professors and teachers at the faculties.
Urganch davlat pedagogika instituti rektori Feruza Madraximova Pedagogika fakulteti rahbariyati va professor-o‘qituvchilari bilan ochiq muloqot o‘tkazdi hamda mazkur fakultetning ham o‘quv, ilmiy, ta’lim va tarbiya yo‘nalishidagi muammolari, natijalari sarhisob qilindi. Shuningdek, 2025-yilda “Maktabgacha taʼlim va tabiiy fanlar” hamda “Pedagogika” kafedralarining amalga oshiradigan ishlari muhokama qilindi.
Ochiq muloqot davomida alohida e’tibor qaratilgan masalalar va berilgan takliflar:
The rector of Urgench State Pedagogical Institute, Feruza Madrakhimova, held an open dialogue with the leaders and professors of the Faculty of Pedagogy and summarized the problems and results of this faculty in the educational, scientific, educational and upbringing directions. Also, the work to be carried out by the departments of "Preschool Education and Natural Sciences" and "Pedagogy" in 2025 was discussed.
Issues that received special attention and proposals made during the open dialogue:
1. It is recognized that during the past 2024, the faculty carried out 135 publishing works (textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, monographs, scientific articles published in the Academy of Sciences and foreign journals), and this indicator should be further increased this year;
2. To organize a library called “Encyclopedist Pedagogues” and a “Virtual Laboratory” with the participation of volunteer professors and students at the faculty;
3. To establish the “Parents' Congress”;
4. To increase the share of economic contracts in the activities of departments, in particular, by organizing puppet theater performances in preschool educational organizations by 20%.
*The next open dialogue was organized with the leaders and professors of the Faculty of Primary Education.
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